Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Potty Training Resistance

Potty Training resistance is a problem that most parents encounter at one time or another in their child's early development. There are some things you can start doing right away to end this problem.

One way you can encourage your toddler is to create a reward system. This can be done using charts, happy face stickers or a little notebook where you check-off each time your child successfully uses the potty. When enough success full trips have been checked you could treat the child to one of his or her favorite snacks or take them somewhere that they really enjoy going.

Most advise that ending potty training resistance is a mutual task, requiring cooperation, agreement and understandingchild and parent. The best potty training techniques emphasize consistency and positive reinforcement over punishment-making it fun for the child. It's not a good idea to punish or chastise as this has been shown to lead to psychological problems later in life.

Potty training is an exciting time in the child's and the parents lives. Sometimes though, with the hectic and busy lives we all lead these days, it can put a strain on the family. Knowing the right methods to use can make the difference between a pleasurable and memorable experience and eliminate the problems associated with this special time in the child's and parents lives.

I hope you find these tips helpful. After struggling for months with my first toddler I came across some very helpful information that took a lot of the stress away and shortened the time it took to potty train greatly.Dr. Wayne Jensen has developed a method that I found to be a great help.You can get more information by visiting. Potty Training Secrets Exposed

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's Never Too Late

We believe in the family 100% Sometimes though, the stress and turmoil of everyday life pulls us apart from the ones we truly love.

If you're having problems in your relationship there's a place you can go for answers.

T.W. Jackson has written a terrific book that's helped thousands of people all over the world
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In The Magic Of Making Up T-Dub has developed a system that works almost 99% of the time, even in the worst of circumstances.

He firmly believes that there is no problem so big that it can't be overcome by True Love.

You can visit his website to hear true life testimonials from couples who had lost all hope of ever getting back together but through communication and understanding are now living the happy lives they once thought were gone for good.

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take just a few minutes and watch the video to see how you can make this amazing method work for you.

Go to The Magic Of Making Up now and see for yourself what others are calling, "the best relationship book ever written.

End Trouble Potty Training

If you're having trouble potty training your toddler, here are a few things I've learned that might help.

Be Sure Your Child is Ready
Can your child remain dry for at least 2 hours at a time during the day?
Can he/she walk to the bathroom and pull down his or her own pants?
Show interest in the potty chair or toilet?
Have regular, predictable bowel movements?

Some Things You Should Do
Stay calm. Relax. You should have an easygoing approach and notput undo pressure on the child.

Show them what they should do. As obvious as it may seem, we sometimes forget that the child is brand new to all this and learning it for the very first time.
Trouble potty training sometimes begins with the parent.Never be harsh or scoldful if the child has an accident.

Purchase a potty chair or a potty attachment for the toilet.
Let the child practice using the potty. This helps them become more familiar with the process and get used to the idea.

Stop using diapers completely! Purchase some training pants and easy to remove clothing. Avoid clothes with snaps, zippers and belts.

Stay with the child. It's a good idea to keep books handy so you both can read together and take pressure off the child.

Listen to the child. When the child let's you know it's time to potty, try to respond as quickly as possible so the child gets used to going when they need to.

Help your child off the potty and reward with hugs and praise after each successful effort.
Wipe your child carefully. Wipe girls from front to back to prevent infection.

Teach the child to wash their hands thoroughly after each trip to the potty. This shold be emphasized strongly and become a habit for life.

I hope you find these tips helpful. After struggling for months with my first toddler I came across some very helpful information that took a lot of the stress away and shortened the time it took to potty train greatly.Dr. Wayne Jensen has developed a method that I found to be a great help.You can get more information by visiting. Potty Training Secrets Exposed

Toilet Training Advice

Are you struggling with toilet training your toddler? Here’s some toilet training advice you can put to use right away.

Make sure you’re well prepared to begin. Have all your materials, (training pants, clothing, books, rewards, etc.) handy and ready to use.

Find which approach works for your child. There are many different methods to potty training. Be sure the method you choose is the right one for your toddler.

Start early. This is one of the most crucial aspects of proper training. Don’t wait for the child to decide when he or she is ready. The sooner you get started the faster you will see progress.

Practice first. Before you begin actually training your child, get them used to the idea with training pants, hand washing and sitting on the potty.

End diaper dependence. Once the child stops using diapers do not go back to using them. This has been shown to confuse the child and slow down the process of training.

Make it fun. Use games, books, songs, videos, charts that will help the child to associate the process as a fun and enjoyable experience.

Make it a family affair. Probably the best toilet training advice of all is to include the whole family, (and friends), in the process. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings can all be part of the experience.

I hope you’ve found these tips helpful in getting you started.Potty training really should be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your child. After struggling for months, I finally found some information that was very useful in potty training my 3 year old. You can visit for more details.

Potty Training Your 3 Year Old - Tips Tricks - Do's and Don'ts

Are you struggling with potty training your 3 year old? It can be very difficult to figure out the right method to get your child to want to use the potty. The child will be resistant and maybe even a little frightened. It is important to develop methods that will ease those fears and really lead to success.

The potty or toilet training of your child can appear to be a very daunting and challenging task. If you are facing obstacles, you may be wondering where you have gone wrong, and why your child is not getting the message.

The simple answer is, potty training does not have to be an unpleasant experience for you or your toddler, and it does not have to be a frustrating challenge.

Potty training really should be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your child. After struggling for months, I finally found some information that was very useful in potty training my 3 year old. You can visit Potty Training Secrets Exposed and hear from other very happy parents about the success they are having with this amazing system.